Weekly Rehearsal - MOI - Performance Chorus

7:30pm, Tue, Nov 26 2024

Event Details

Type of event: Rehearsal
Start time: 7:30pm
End time: 10:00pm
Venue: Independence United Methodist Church


Start timeActivityMusicMinutesRun byDetails/Notes
7:30pmSet up room 0Darin Doxey7:15-7:30 (all members welcome to assist)
7:30pmWarm-ups 10Gary Lewis 
7:40pmTeach song 10Gary LewisDirector's Choice
7:50pmIntroduce group 5Hunter DoxeyGuest Introductions
7:55pmPerform songCaroling, Caroling5Gary Lewis 
8:00pmRun through setWhite Christmas60Gary LewisChristmas Show 8:00-9:00 block
9:00pmRun through setJ-I-N-G-L-E Bells0Gary Lewis 
9:00pmRun through setToyland0Gary Lewis 
9:00pmRun through setWinter Wonderland0Gary Lewis 
9:00pmRun through set 0Gary LewisBright Bright The Holly Berries - Praetzel Family
9:00pmRun through set 0Gary LewisBlue Christmas - Generation Gap
9:00pmRun through set 0Gary LewisChristmas in My Hometown - Exhibit A
9:00pmRun through setWelcome Christmas0Gary LewisUnder 30 VLQ
9:00pmRun through setBelieve0Gary Lewis 
9:00pmRun through setWe Wish you a Merry Christmas0Gary Lewis 
9:00pmIntermission 0Gary Lewis2nd Half Block of Christmas Show
9:00pmRun through setO Come O Come Emmanuel 0Gary Lewis 
9:00pmRun through setOh Come All Ye Faithful0Gary Lewis 
9:00pmRun through setMary Had a Baby0Gary LewisTBD quartet
9:00pmRun through set 0Gary LewisNigh Bethlehem - Praetzel Family
9:00pmRun through set 0Gary LewisAngels We Have Heard - Exhibit A
9:00pmRun through setNoel0Gary Lewis 
9:00pmRun through set 0Gary LewisO Holy Night - TBD Quartet
9:00pmRun through setWhat Child Is This?0Gary Lewis 
9:00pmRun through setDo You Hear What I Hear?0Gary Lewis 
9:00pmRun through setBirthday of a King0Gary Lewis 
9:00pmRun through setMidnight Clear / Silent Night0Gary LewisStep Out Quartet + Chorus
9:00pmRun through setJoy To The World0Gary Lewis 
9:00pmBreak 15Mark Isler 
9:15pmRun through set 45 Continue Show Run / work on focus areas
10:00pmClosing songKeep the Whole World Singing5Gary Lewis 
10:05pmPack up room 15Darin DoxeyPut chairs away, pack up & store audio gear. All Members encouraged to assist!
Program Duration: 170 minutes; Finish time: 10:20pm